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Yudai Iwata (monols)


PHOTO BY Keisuke “Zinsei” ARAKAWA

岩田裕大 (monols)


1986年三重県生まれ。 「いかに新しい音体験を作れるか」をテーマに活動。 11歳の時、隣人より譲り受けたクラシックギターをきっかけに音楽に目覚める。上京後、音楽活動と並行しつつイベント会社、映像制作会社での様々なプロデュースワークを経験、そこで培った経験を軸としてTV-CM / WebPR / CI / サウンドロゴ / プロダクトサウンドデザイン / 立体音響 / 特殊音響などの空間に及ぶ演出まで、 幅広く柔軟性のある創作スタイルで発表を続けている。 イタリア好き。ポンコツ車愛好家。 並行して「monols」名義でアーティスト/ギタリストとしても活動中。

Yudai Iwata (monols)

Sound director / Artist

Yudai Iwata (born on 1986 in Mie Prefecture) is an artist and music director. "Keep designing original sound experience" is the goal to achieve in his career. His passion for music had sparked when he got a classical guitar from his nextdoor neigbor at the age of 11. After he moved to Tokyo, he started his career as a producer at a film production as well as in at event organizing company, while he continued working on music. His past experience as a producer in various projects enable him to produce music for TV-Commercials / Web-PR / CI / Sound Logos / Product Sound Designs / Stereophonic Sounds / Specialized Sounds with a wide range of flexibility and in style. I Love Italy and am a clunkers enthusiast. He is still making music as an artist/guitarist named "monols".