大学卒業後、映像業界に飛び込みCMやPV制作を経験。 バンドや宅録の経験を活かしCM音楽を制作しているうちにコンポーザーとして独立。 自らのコンポーザー活動と並行しつつ2011年インビジ加入。 映像制作の現場にいた経験を活かしプロジェクト全体を俯瞰できるプロデューサー的視点と、ディテールにまできちんとこだわれるクリエーター的視点のバランスを大事にしている。
After graduating from university, Noda jumped into the video industry and gained experience in TV commercial and music video production. Noda started creating music for TV commercials making full use of the experiences of being in bands and home recordings, subsequently became an independent composer. In parallel with his own composer activities, Noda joined invisi in 2011. He puts importance on the balance between the producer 's viewpoint that enables us to take a bird's- eye view of the whole project and the artist’ s viewpoint that bring out the details of the work.